


欧美翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 14335

版主: wooohu, Domian
作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] 第一次唱Home attachment hughlee1002 2016-10-19 91966 strongm0002 2019-7-24 08:39:07
[翻唱] try attachment □喜○合しī 2016-10-12 61611 y蛋蛋蛋 2017-5-15 19:53:35
[翻唱] Enrique Iglesias----Hero 经典高水准翻唱 attachment lxwl 2016-10-4 81736 125690468 2017-5-4 21:58:38
[翻唱] the living proof attachment 爱的和谐 2016-9-20 21720 小阿凯 2017-6-1 17:07:21
[翻唱] 后街经典翻唱 Drowning attachment lxwl 2016-9-20 82157 bluemountainr 2018-8-2 19:02:10
[翻唱] Phantom of the Opera-选自音乐剧《歌剧魅影》 xiejong 2016-9-17 51437 birdanter 2017-4-4 22:34:28
[翻唱] 500 Miles-布丁王 attachment HelenDean 2016-9-16 21618 wswwgb3111111 2017-7-15 14:54:40
[翻唱] Blue--- Breathe Easy 超高水准挑战高难度 attachment lxwl 2016-9-14 21370 wswwgb3111111 2017-7-15 14:24:42
[翻唱] have ever been in love-男的唱女神席帝的歌也是蛮拼的,celine diion attachment 阿迪网球鞋 2016-9-8 31310 AllByMyself 2017-1-12 16:45:16
[翻唱] Nobody- Keith Sweat 挑战神作 论坛还没人翻过... attachment lxwl 2016-9-6 21431 美蕊Sun 2016-9-17 17:01:45
[翻唱] I'm your angel 合唱经典歌曲 attachment lxwl 2016-8-25 41715 景景景 2019-7-26 14:11:02
[翻唱] Two Is Better Than One 挑战 attachment lxwl 2016-8-25 01237 lxwl 2016-8-25 10:03:38
[翻唱] I'll be there --- Mariah Carey attachment  ...2 lxwl 2016-8-25 133032 Dennisbaby 2017-9-2 19:16:44
[翻唱] Perfect ( Selena Gomez Cover) attachment illusions 2016-8-10 01087 illusions 2016-8-10 21:54:06
[翻唱] 【中文填翻】《Murder》(原曲《Shape of My Heart》 attachment moonvan 2016-8-2 0601 moonvan 2016-8-2 22:09:03
[翻唱] Radioactive - Imagine Dragons,Kendrick Lamar 原Key Rap版 attach_img - [回帖奖励 41 ]  ...2 FKer 2016-8-1 112628 strongm0002 2017-7-29 16:30:00
[翻唱] Il domani attachment petite_lola 2016-7-27 0564 petite_lola 2016-7-27 22:53:24
[翻唱] Titanium 动感村土电音 高不成 低不就版本 attachment djpanda 2016-7-23 72268 猛虎上山去打猎 2017-3-3 20:11:37
[翻唱] Morning Hollow attachment liuzaitz 2016-7-21 1917 bluemountainr 2016-8-22 20:28:00
[翻唱] 挑战 One Sweet Day 玛丽亚凯莉 attachment lxwl 2016-7-20 71601 1233423423423 2019-7-18 10:34:54
[翻唱] All by myself attachment nlddbcm 2016-7-20 21048 AllByMyself 2017-1-12 16:58:15
[翻唱] A Perfect Indian attachment 我爱苏菲 2016-7-10 2958 guozaihao 2016-7-16 23:21:35
[翻唱] 【翻唱】See you again 天狗 attachment  ...2 ztwsuperman 2016-7-10 111997 woshilbx 2016-10-3 16:59:53
[翻唱] 何雁詩 - the only one attachment wicl3711 2016-6-27 4992 pengbodaxia 2016-7-12 14:49:31
[翻唱] AMIE 弹唱版 attachment 15348204812 2016-6-26 11249 yzlx1225 2016-6-30 10:18:40
[翻唱] re-cover 计划 Tori Amos 的Winter attach_img djpanda 2016-6-20 21645 djpanda 2016-10-15 00:54:00
[翻唱] 胖妹的NO attachment 山由君 2016-6-13 41435 sunlian77 2016-7-10 12:02:04
[翻唱] VCR attachment liuzaitz 2016-6-7 1943 bluemountainr 2016-6-18 09:14:27
[翻唱] 翻唱frank经典my way attachment queen830601 2016-5-29 21527 wangrui110 2016-6-3 16:54:13
[翻唱] Both Sides, Now attachment djpanda 2016-5-29 21321 AllByMyself 2017-1-12 17:43:46
[翻唱] Speed Demon 马璟翻唱MJ attachment mjzl888 2016-5-27 0610 mjzl888 2016-5-27 11:43:58
[翻唱] Man In The Mirror马璟翻唱MJ attachment mjzl888 2016-5-27 0557 mjzl888 2016-5-27 11:38:57
[翻唱] Right Here Waiting-伴奏不错 attachment 87503896 2016-5-21 41535 lu619 2016-5-23 14:00:11
[翻唱] you give love a bad name(翻唱) 致敬摇滚老炮bon jovi attachment 飘零种子 2016-5-19 61472 飘零种子 2016-6-24 17:03:22
[翻唱] 兴奋地翻唱了who is fancy的goodbye 感觉棒棒哒 attachment tahuhu 2016-5-11 81461 zss923 2018-5-8 21:52:43
[翻唱] 听说这相当于意大利70年代的“最炫民族风”Sarà perché ti amo-Ricchi e Poveri attachment 琳猫猫 2016-5-8 51606 2712326860 2016-5-19 21:15:00
[翻唱] Last Flowers(cover Radiohead) attachment liuzaitz 2016-5-1 21127 shitforyou 2016-5-14 19:21:56
[翻唱] 致敬Prince 翻唱Purple Rain 紫雨…… attachment djpanda 2016-4-23 61481 djpanda 2016-5-2 12:21:39
[翻唱] 东方的太阳东方的月亮 attachment alliu 2016-4-14 0671 alliu 2016-4-14 19:07:24
[翻唱] Hands To Myself (Selena Gomez Cover) attachment illusions 2016-4-10 01134 illusions 2016-4-10 22:32:17

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