


韩语翻唱 今日: 0|主题: 2759

作者 回复/查看 最后发表
[翻唱] 【韩】Rose by 李夏怡~~第一次翻唱=V=!无后期~ attachment 抛物线光秋 2013-5-19 31835 strongm0002 2017-12-12 11:22:13
[翻唱] Ailee — 보여줄게 无后期Demo试唱版 attachment Simika 2013-5-10 52573 strongm0002 2017-12-12 14:04:10
[翻唱] Infinite - Man In Love attach_img elaine3912 2013-5-4 42945 strongm0002 2017-12-5 09:38:06
[翻唱] 【U-Kiss】 Standing still attachment ggzone 2013-5-4 32356 strongm0002 2017-12-1 08:04:08
[翻唱] CNBLUE---I'm Sorry attachment Tae 2013-5-2 82694 strongm0002 2017-12-6 18:20:05
[翻唱] 死一样的痛过 - MC梦 attachment joeyang 2013-4-27 72927 strongm0002 2017-12-12 09:41:54
[翻唱] 擦肩而过的问候——李秀英(听得让人想哭。。。可惜我的音色唱不出哭腔。。。) attachment 佑岸|佐转 2013-4-25 22133 strongm0002 2017-12-12 07:53:07
[翻唱] 我们不是相爱吗 翻唱~~ attachment 悲伤的玩偶 2013-4-24 71824 strongm0002 2017-12-1 15:50:25
[翻唱] 许阁-1440 attachment 缪0307 2013-4-20 11398 strongm0002 2017-12-1 15:08:56
[翻唱] Hello - 许阁 attachment ggzone 2013-4-14 52563 strongm0002 2017-12-1 06:50:10
[翻唱] 不要叫我名字——李秀英 attachment 佑岸|佐转 2013-4-11 31611 strongm0002 2017-12-1 14:36:43
[翻唱] never again——李秀英 attachment 佑岸|佐转 2013-4-11 11468 strongm0002 2017-12-1 13:02:13
[翻唱] 一首经典Fly to the sky的Goodbye粤语版 attachment seeviacai 2013-4-5 73691 kangjune 2018-7-1 19:50:58
[翻唱] !不不首发 *。* 韩语吐槽速成无修版 / 李夏怡- LEE HI (이하이 ) attachment vinsee 2013-4-5 21839 strongm0002 2017-12-12 05:40:33
[翻唱] T-ara - 너 때문에 미쳐 (Cover by Benson) attachment yinyin80124 2013-3-28 62551 strongm0002 2017-12-4 13:35:37
[翻唱] 2ne1-最走紅(with大蘿卜) attachment 澈不寂寞 2013-3-22 32027 strongm0002 2017-12-3 06:20:35
[翻唱] 白智英FT玉澤演-我耳邊的Candy (with臭豬) attachment 澈不寂寞 2013-3-22 11714 strongm0002 2017-12-12 05:15:19
[翻唱] Supreme Team-那時那時那時 (with Fiona) attachment 澈不寂寞 2013-3-22 31911 strongm0002 2017-12-12 05:32:39
[翻唱] EXID-每夜(with 八米) attachment 澈不寂寞 2013-3-20 12146 strongm0002 2017-12-12 05:12:53
[翻唱] 少女時代-I got a boy(with lemon&moer) attachment 澈不寂寞 2013-3-20 11935 strongm0002 2017-12-12 05:11:34
[翻唱] Infinite-Can U Smile(Remake ver.)全和聲累感愛- - attachment 澈不寂寞 2013-3-20 32206 strongm0002 2017-12-12 05:30:38
[翻唱] JYP 我已有女人 一段 attachment XNVIP15 2013-3-19 72245 strongm0002 2017-11-28 21:50:31
[翻唱] 李素罗【他将离开——韩剧《荆棘鸟》主题曲】 attachment 佑岸|佐转 2013-3-18 72503 strongm0002 2017-12-12 04:59:48
[翻唱] Juniel-壞人(with chic&dale) attachment 澈不寂寞 2013-3-17 42397 strongm0002 2017-12-6 08:51:59
[翻唱] 지금 이 순간(This is the Moment)-音乐剧“Jekyll and Hyde”中 attachment xiejong 2013-3-9 22125 music520zh 2019-11-21 17:50:50
[翻唱] 金在中 - 나만의 위로 (只属于我的安慰) attach_img loeb 2013-3-7 72271 strongm0002 2017-12-12 08:56:19
[翻唱] 【韩文说唱,坑爹降调版】冷--罗体哥&Nicki attachment SweetieSwifty 2013-3-1 11722 strongm0002 2017-12-11 19:19:36
[翻唱] Bigbang《Tonight》粤语版~ attachment  ...2 seeviacai 2013-2-27 114094 strongm0002 2017-12-12 13:54:10
[翻唱] 제로(zero)-약속(约定)来自于Empero小朝的第⑿个翻唱 attachment Empero小朝 2013-2-23 42212 strongm0002 2017-12-12 09:36:56
[翻唱] 屋塔房王世子 Ali—상처 (唱吧录...) attachment Simika 2013-2-20 51991 strongm0002 2017-12-12 04:54:27
[翻唱] 那XX【中文填词】~~太喜欢这首歌了! attachment  ...2 抛物线光秋 2013-2-19 154730 strongm0002 2017-11-29 07:30:09
[翻唱] Win The Day 【21人感恩大合唱】 attachment 妍儿。 2013-2-12 42909 bluemountainr 2021-11-28 14:02:29
[翻唱] <Intoxication - 金俊秀> 大爱这歌啊,哈哈哈。状态不好撮合着听听,顺便祝大家新年快乐!~过年罗!!! attach_img loeb 2013-2-7 31998 strongm0002 2017-12-11 21:49:04
[翻唱] Boyfriend-Janus钢琴版(中文填词) attachment seeviacai 2013-1-23 82344 strongm0002 2017-11-26 07:49:08
[翻唱] crycry 慢版 翻唱 attachment qq1029776489 2013-1-22 21912 strongm0002 2017-12-11 11:32:55
[翻唱] Stand Up 心意&允 attachment ophiria 2013-1-20 31588 strongm0002 2017-12-1 14:59:50
[翻唱] It‘s me 洛汐&允 attachment ophiria 2013-1-20 32075 strongm0002 2017-12-12 05:49:03
[翻唱] 【韩】꽃 / 장윤정 - 花 / 张润贞 (韩国trot演歌) attach_img hwachao 2013-1-19 62697 strongm0002 2017-12-11 19:46:08
[翻唱] 【韩】바다여행 / 海之行 - 《咖啡王子一号店》插曲 attach_img hwachao 2013-1-19 11816 strongm0002 2017-12-11 07:51:53
[翻唱] Fantastic Baby 这歌终于录完了,可是灰常灰常滴喜欢...... attach_img  ...2 loeb 2013-1-16 185657 酒吞童子 2020-3-13 13:17:33

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