
标题: √★WL·Group★继续添词写RAP!来自大学宿舍楼的灵感 What're you down foR [打印本页]

作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-9-21 12:11:13     标题: √★WL·Group★继续添词写RAP!来自大学宿舍楼的灵感 What're you down foR



更有夸张的家伙,我们楼下的一群混蛋(就是我上一首 RAP 骂的那群败类)把消防栓给拆了。每天没完没了的大喊 “郁闷” 那我就写首歌问问这帮贱人 : what're you down for?



what're you down for?

here we come again
and see what's hell there,
in the same building(I mean last time)
everything's silent but the phone guys
in the room in the path they're hanging everywhere

they don't say hi when you wanna get closer
I'm no monster why are you like a stragner?
what's your additude, hurt your brother
come on cheer up! don't you look further

(what? are you crazy? don't you know damn! I am down now and for busy!)

Oh, man, easy, jesus! I'm sorry!
just wanna help you from the drowning
I really wanna know what's the hell about?
why those young men so love to be down?
for now I'm asking! what!?

why? what're you down for?
don't you wanna break free  live the days like a 1234ing wild bird?
why? what're you down for?
now you care about the course and books and your messed future
boys, what're you down for?
do you feel no right, wanna get freak out to be cooler?
girls, what're you down for?
you're messed with dates and oh! the fashion goes faster!

(nothing in the world we have to treasure
coz all we need is just for fun, we swear
just do what you do don't pizz me off
or we're gonna slay you! don't you dare?  

now it's time for us to release
fooling around is nothing so let's cheese
we love to kill time that's our youth)

you son of the bitch you want this!?

why? what're you down for?
don't you wanna break free  live the days like a 1234ing wild bird?
why? what're you down for?
now you care about the course and books and your messed future
boys, what're you down for?
do you feel no right, wanna get freak out to be cooler?
girls, what're you down for?
you're messed with dates and oh! the fashion goes faster!

you jealous people who passed you no!
why do they feel so fine but you get flow?
ask yourself and go back time to show
so you found you're such an Asshole!

for what?

Yeah,Let's count, PC games, and gaint party
drinking somking and the car is fanncy
1234 some bitches you love this pusscy?
and plus wanna take drugs or something...

what's hell you think you're doing here
don't tell you're in blue and you fear, the fear and the fear, is getting near cos you can do nothing you're clear

about these kids I just had enough
they just complane what's not fair
see, they care about their parents less than what they wear but everything around them is more than OK
jewelry,money you're never low on cash
but nothing can't stop time's dashing
now you're standing here wonder why you're suck
you son of bitch you desive it!

why? what're you down for?
don't you wanna break free  live the days like a 1234ing wild bird?
why? what're you down for?
now you care about the course and books and your messed future
boys, what're you down for?
do you feel no right, wanna get freak out to be cooler?
girls, what're you down for?
you're messed with dates and oh! the fashion goes faster!
upset upset upset upset...

everbody~!!!here is a warning!!the electric power is going to ...
A: oh damn~! what do we do now?
B: a... maybe I should go and kill the dorm keeper or sth
A: are you crazy? you still on level 30!

man! what's the crap you got in your head? is there nothing else in the world you need to care about? just one idea here I need to share, is that you should figure out why you are here or not?
you're confused but you should knew that's true buddy it's the key to your doom! maybe when you got another point of view you won't mat at that everybody would be better than you!

why? what're you down for?
don't you wanna break free  live the days like a 1234ing wild bird?
why? what're you down for?
now you care about the course and books and your messed future
boys, what're you down for?
do you feel no right, wanna get freak out to be cooler?
girls, what're you down for?
you're messed with dates and oh! the fashion goes faster!

what're you down for? what're you down for? let me hear you say, what?
what're you down for? what're you down for? you're without your trace, what?
YA YA, bon voyage, and I worte this song for...

[ 本帖最后由 djpanda 于 2007-9-21 23:22 编辑 ]
作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-9-21 13:16:10


作者: lihui7436    时间: 2007-9-21 14:55:32

作者: 断水    时间: 2007-9-21 15:34:26     标题: 回复 #1 三角函数 的帖子

:funk: 不错哦,加油
作者: 断水    时间: 2007-9-21 15:35:31     标题: 回复 #4 断水 的帖子

不错,加油哦, :victory:
作者: lsjhz    时间: 2007-9-21 18:25:40

作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-9-21 22:00:19

不是有水的嫌疑, 就是水啦~~~

无所谓的,我不怕人水的. 再顶一下,希望得到几位我喜欢的歌手的点评.
作者: wooohu    时间: 2007-9-21 23:08:22

哇。。这个 。。。出乎意料外的好听呀。。。。。。

作者: djpanda    时间: 2007-9-21 23:23:45

后期 制作的也很有想象力
三角在rap上潜力是最大 啊
写词的能力 跪拜!
作者: melodia    时间: 2007-9-22 00:04:03

作者: smallpotato    时间: 2007-9-22 09:49:39

MS 沿续了上部作品的风格, 有潜力的, 支持!
you're confused but you should knew that's true buddy
作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-9-22 10:26:14

原帖由 wooohu 于 2007-9-21 23:08 发表
哇。。这个 。。。出乎意料外的好听呀。。。。。。


HOHO, 其实我最喜欢的RAPPER在 MPT 哦,他的名字我忘记了,但是特别喜欢他的声音~~~~

那个词写的其实不好, 而且因为写的是比较粗的,好多错字....

作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-9-22 10:31:52

原帖由 djpanda 于 2007-9-21 23:23 发表

后期 制作的也很有想象力
三角在rap上潜力是最大 啊
写词的能力 跪拜!

谢谢猫版, 其实我这次好多地方都爆麦了... 对自己的设备很不满意...
作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-9-22 10:33:59

原帖由 melodia 于 2007-9-22 00:04 发表


看歌词... 我承认好多拼写错误... 看在同门的面子上一定要留情哈
作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-9-22 10:39:21

原帖由 smallpotato 于 2007-9-22 09:49 发表
MS 沿续了上部作品的风格, 有潜力的, 支持!
you're confused but you should knew that's true buddy

对哈, 都是发生宿舍楼里的事情...

我最喜欢的是那句 what's crap you got in your head, is there nothing in the world you need to care about 那一句.
作者: tremble    时间: 2007-9-22 11:16:24

偶来支持  超级支持!!

作者: TMAC    时间: 2007-9-22 11:32:18

作者: 黑白世界    时间: 2007-9-22 13:41:22

作者: chuizhexiaofeng    时间: 2007-9-22 15:56:36

作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-9-23 23:25:51

作者: wooohu    时间: 2007-9-24 11:10:50

原帖由 三角函数 于 2007-9-22 10:26 发表

HOHO, 其实我最喜欢的RAPPER在 MPT 哦,他的名字我忘记了,但是特别喜欢他的声音~~~~

那个词写的其实不好, 而且因为写的是比较粗的,好多错字....


啊哈哈 是大U吗还是FKER 还是DUDU 呀.... 我想想 还有谁...
作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-9-25 07:38:18

FKER  应该是他吧~~~~~

TREMBLE 推荐的, 声音好正好正.
作者: 长庚星    时间: 2007-9-25 21:19:14

作者: 晋姝涵    时间: 2007-9-26 03:42:42

作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-9-26 07:25:21

原帖由 晋姝涵 于 2007-9-26 03:42 发表

啊, 我用的是 Erique... (就是唱那首 PINGPONG 歌的西班牙歌手) 他的一首叫 " PUSH " 的歌.
作者: MsProut    时间: 2007-9-26 09:23:23

楼猪词写的不错哦 'cleaner' than i thought hehe
不过我们8是黑鬼, 8需要写的那么gangster
仙来果然不简单, 我等你attachment上来了再来听!!

还有啊, wow那段小插曲挺幽默的, 支持你!!
作者: lele520184    时间: 2007-9-26 09:42:19     标题:

我怎么才能得到3个金笔 有一手歌我想要可是 没有钱
作者: Dirrt    时间: 2007-9-26 13:05:57

作者: ant=cos    时间: 2007-9-27 12:49:21

作者: lsjhz    时间: 2007-9-27 21:26:05     标题: "沙滩阳光"

偶们家小3角一直都很努力的"玩"着他的音乐,从第一张专集到现在...弟弟的进步是很显著的 至少我这么认为...
不过这首真得很棒,姐第一次听觉得很震撼,虽然你之前也有自己填词的RAP作品,但这次的更完整 这次的效果做得有创意,哈哈,那个怪怪的声音好有意思.SO CUTE

作者: 三角函数    时间: 2007-9-28 08:23:01

姐姐~~~~ 你最好啦~~~~

的确自己眼看还有一年多就毕业了, 唱歌的日子不多了呀...
作者: strongm0002    时间: 2019-9-16 21:58:52


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